Hi, my name is Judy.  I have recently decided to join our church group in the 75 Day Hard Challenge!  Some of the tasks seem monumental to me and the voice in the back of my head is saying you cannot do this!  I am creating this blog to personally journal my 75 days of challenges, to encourage myself to stick with it, to show myself my progress, and to share with others who may find it useful in some way.

The challenge begins on March 1/2021 and it goes for 75 days straight!  The rules are basic but mentally and physically tough for me to imagine completing.  As someone who has very little physical activity in her life, very little motivation and very little personal discipline, this will no doubt be a very hard thing for me to stick with.  

With the support of church friends and family, I hope to be able to prove to myself that I can do this!  If I mess up one day, I go back to day 1! No room for mistakes, no cheating, and no forgetting to follow a step!  

Here are the steps:

1) Drink one gallon of water EVERYDAY!  This will be the hardest for me I think! I do not drink much water at all ~ I know though that the benefits of increasing my water intake will provide amazing health benefits for me. 

2) No Alcohol for 75 days!  I have an occasional drink here and there but not very often so this step will not be too difficult for me to accomplish.

3) Follow a diet and stick with it, no cheating!  I follow weight watchers and I have had weight loss success with it.  I will be following that again with 36 points per day.  Weight watchers does not restrict foods that you can eat.  For this challenge though I have decided to restrict fast foods, Candy, Chocolate, and desserts and treats.  

4) Two 45 min workouts each day (At least one has to be OUTSIDE!!) As someone who very rarely exercises, I imagine this will be very hard for me to adjust to...Especially starting in WINTER where right now we have over a foot of snow in the front yard.  

5) Read 10 pages of Non fiction books EVERYDAY!  Audio books do not count!! I have committed to reading 10 pages in my BIBLE.   

6) Take a progress pic EVERYDAY for 75 days to watch the changes in myself!!  
